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原作: 曹溪   2002-10-14 17:36:39


7、外文書里經常見到這么一句話,A Picture is worth a thousand words . 老外說這是中國人說的。有人把它譯成“一畫賽千言”、“一幅圖象勝過千言萬語”,還有的甚至譯成“一張圖片一千個字節”,想知道這句話的中文出處。

看到A Picture is worth a thousand words譯成五花八門的漢語,有點拿著蘿卜找不著坑兒的感覺。我在論壇發貼問這個問題的時候,有網友搬出《周易》了里的“書不盡言,言不盡意,圣人立象以盡意” 來解釋,這沒有用,我要的只是它的源頭。

COPY “A Picture is worth a thousand words”做關鍵詞用GOOGLE搜索所有中文網頁,嗯,GOOGLE好像被閹得完不成這項任務了。只好換alltheweb(http://www.alltheweb.com)。

在搜索框中COPY一下“A Picture is worth a thousand words”,語言選擇Chinese(simp),點一下exact phrase,結果只有8個網頁,似乎少點了,猜測可能是句子有誤。用“picture +worth +thousand +words”
搜索中文簡體網頁,發現簡體中文網頁一般用“One picture is worth a thousand words”

[瘋狂短信英語]one picture is worth a thousand words. 百聞不如一見
[英文經典諺語俗語30例詳解]One picture is worth a thousand words. 意思是:一張畫(或照片)勝過一千字的描寫。 如同中國人所說的「百聞不如一見」。(Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.) (注意:Words are worth a thousands pictures.,又是指一篇文章描寫得十分生動)
[李陽工作室]One picture is worth a thousand words. (百聞不如一見。)

[訪客留言簿]一張照片勝過一千個字 (a picture worth a thousand words)
[九歌出版社]在美國時,時常聽到美國人引用的一則中國諺語:?* A picture is worth a thousand-words. ?* 可譯為「一圖值千字!挂虼嗣绹顺R詧D或畫來代替文字。
絵のめっせーじ "A picture is worth a thousand words."
1 A picture is worth a thousand words. worth:「価値のある」
あめりかの格言に"A picture is worth a thousand words.(百聞は一見にしかず)
A picture is worth a thousand words.《一枚の絵は ... まさる」
What if a picture were worth a thousand words? もしも一枚の絵が千語と同じ ...
でも英語でも言いますね?「百聞は一見にしかず?A picture is worth a thousand words」(なぜ英語では「千」になっているのでしょうか ...
「百聞は一見にしかず?A picture is worth a thousand words」(なぜ英語では「千」になっているのでしょうか ...

根據以上中文簡繁體還有日語網頁,猜測“百聞不如一見”可能性比較大一些。到底是A picture還是One picture呢,語言選擇“any language”,用“exact phrase”搜索,“A picture”是141691個網頁,“One picture”是9969個網頁。

以“"picture is worth a thousand words" +Chinese +(quote proverb)”搜索全部網頁。在英國的Ask a Librarian我們看到有人提過類似的問題。

A picture is worth a thousand words?
One look is worth a thousand words was coined by Fred R. Barnard in Printers' Ink, 8th December 1921, p.96. He changed it to One picture is worth a thousand words in Printers' Ink, 10th March 1927, p.114 and called it "a Chinese Proverb so that people would take it seriously".
Source: The Home Book of Proverbs, Maxims and Familiar Phrases, 1948, edited by Burton Stevenson.

根據這一解答,繼續縮小搜索范圍,用“"picture is worth a thousand words" +Chinese +Barnard +Printers”搜索,OK,只剩下6個網頁

The history of a picture's worth附有圖片,可以看到更為詳細的介紹。

1921年Barnard第一次用的是“One Look is Worth A Thousand Words”,說是日本哲學家說的,1927年第二次用的是“One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words”,廣告旁邊的漢字是“畫意能達萬言”,說是中國諺語。

看完了這篇諺語考正的文章,我們再回到Alltheweb,以“百聞不如一見 +成語”搜索,得知出自《漢書·趙充國傳》。

應該說A Picture is worth a thousand words源自“百聞不如一見”,估計也有日本人這個成語的,Barnard開始說來自日本哲學家,也就不足為怪。由于語言的變遷, 漢語的“百聞不如一見”與英語的“A Picture is worth a thousand words”已經分道揚鑣,不能互譯了!鞍俾劜蝗缫灰姟弊g成英語是“Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times”,“A Picture is worth a thousand words”譯成漢語是“一幅圖象勝過千言萬語”,前面還有個“中國人說”。

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